Tuesday, July 7, 2009

The Link-ness Monster

I’ve seen any number of things on the ‘tubes today that makes me want to share:

The 114th Skeptic’s Circle. (Bonus: Stuff on Alchemy!)

Azmanam’s Chemical Dictionary is now available from the ScienceBase servers. I strongly commend him on his effort and fully expect it to become a gold standard by the time he’s done tinkering with it. For non-chemists out there, ever write something using specialized language in your office suite and have a red squiggly line under every other word? Well that’s what happens way too often if you use words like “azonide”, “solvation”, “dimethylmercury”, or “1,3,7-trimethyl- 1H-purine- 2,6(3H,7H)-dione” I highly recommend adding it to your browser’s spell-checking repertoire as well.

The European Space Agency is going to make its own manned space vehicle! This is a Good Thing(TM) because with the space shuttle being retired, the only people going into space will have to rely on the Cosmodrome at Baikonor. Not that I’m paranoid about the Russians hogging space, but if we can’t be a two planet species, can’t we at least be a two launch pad one?

Speaking of the Russians… good news: We’re working together to slash our nuclear arsenals. Bad news: People are still clinging to antiquated notions about the utility of missile shields.

Finally, since I showed you how to make iodine in the last post, now you need something to do with it. Well, if you’re still waiting on the book. You might want to try this (taking all appropriate precautions of course):


  1. Thanks for linking to Adam's chemical dictionary, yes it's totally indispensable for chemists and chemistry writers alike.

    But, those vast "Sciencebase servers"? Makes me sound sooooo grand. It's just bog-standard shared web hosting...

  2. Thanks for linking to Adam's chemical dictionary, yes it's totally indispensable for chemists and chemistry writers alike.

    But, those vast "Sciencebase servers"? Makes me sound sooooo grand. It's just bog-standard shared web hosting...


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